Saturday, April 14, 2012

Commerce and Art

Everybody, it's true, need a hook to sell whatever. However, I wonder why these four Norwegians picked ironic pixie women as their hook.  What the first two videos in which the ironic pixie women are ironically ironic and then the third in which four talented musicians make a joyful noise unto the lord, as it were.  As it comes up in the comments to one of them, I'll point out that while Katzenjammer may now mean hangover in German in the early modern period and at least through the 19th century it was German for Charivari.

 I came across this band via, of all people, Krugman. If you're interested, here is an hourish concert in Germany with the common language, natch, English. The video editing is sick making.

By my count each one plays stringed instruments, drums, accordion, and keyboard and two play trumpets and three, I think, play the xylophone.

It really is a shame that the hour long concert dealio shows so little  of the audience as it is a nearly perfect example of the contemporary German at play, which is to say stiff and self-conscious.


A video in Norwegian without subtitles of the band searching for Polar Bears:

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