Wednesday, October 27, 2010


E.D. Kain over by Balloon Juice wonders why Conservatives are such lousy journalist given that
[j]ournalism is merely the act of gathering and disseminating news and information – and good journalism is simply this effort minus any bias or attempts at propaganda. I don’t think that at its core it is either liberal or conservative in any modern, American sense of those words, or any other ideology for that matter. So then, what do I mean by better conservative journalism?
His conclusion is that NPR minus obviously Liberal programs, even though he is unclear what Liberal means, like Democracy Now is Conservative journalism.  Given that every Conservative in the country, give or take, thinks that NPR in its totality represents Liberalism, Socialism, Progressivism,  and Dhimitude, the question he asks answers itself.  The fact gathering and fact-based analysis is antithetical to the Conservative agenda in that the facts argue for a different set of policies unless the goal is to re-create late  19th and early 20th century America in which the super rich ran the show and the rest of us ate dirt.  Because, after all, that's what 30 or so years of Conservative, Neoliberal, Thatcherite, and Reaganite policies have produced and here we are listening to all Republican/Conservative candidates demanding more of the same while some Democratic candidates nod their heads in agreement.

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