Thursday, September 16, 2010

If they are not tired, why all the lying around?

Reps. Joe Barton, Marsha Blackburn and Michael Burgess argue that the "ban," which really isn't a ban, on the sturdy and patriotic incandescent light bulb has led to the loss of some 200 jobs. The job loss results, they assert, because the more energy efficient compact florescent light bulbs "can't be produced cheaply enough in America so we’ve turned to China" from whence come virtually all of the compact bulbs. This is further evidence, as if any was needed, of the dangers of government interference in the great free market.

This and some other American-based manufactures of compact bulbs might tend to disagree about the impossibly high cost of making the bulb in these United States. And sensible people might suggest that the 200 jobs are just the latest casualty in capitalism's long war on everybody as its acolytes pursue the goal of profit maximization.

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