Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Defeat Through Victory

The various Tea Party Patriot victories this evening mark the end of our long national nightmare.  For far too long crazy people have stood on street corners and shouted crazy things crazily.  Now, however, they have been reintegrated into society and will now try to convince the vast majority of non-crazy Americans to entrust their future into the hands of a bunch of crazies.  Fortunately, the percentage of crazies in any given society has been shown to be 27.  Therefore, no Democratic rout in November. What is more, the Conservatives are already trying to distance themselves from the crazies.  Some of them not so much.

Sometimes what appears to be the top of the world is really a fireball of failure and madness.

According to Sarah Palin and others Karl Rove is fat. But don't let this fool you into thinking that the Republican Party  has fallen into disarray because of internal warfare between crazy people and "moderate" Republicans.

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