Monday, October 3, 2011

What They Really Really Want

Lot of tedious tedium inducing lovers of banalities and point missing have some time now been musing about the occupywallstreet 99 percent movements desires. Sort of like Ted Kennedy in The War at Home telling the anti-war protesters he knew what they were against now tell him what they were for. So you could read this or consider the case of HP's failed CEO or the Koch Brothers or the now endemic economic inequality of 30 odd years of neoliberal orthodoxy or banks and their fees and conclude that they alike 99% of the population want crooks to be punished, the rich to be treated like other folks, and, in a more general sense, an opportunity to work at a job that pays a living wage and enjoy the refreshing beverage of their choice at the end of a day's labor, ideally sharing with a significant otherish thingy mabob.


  1. It seems like you are saying people would like freedom, of course as we have learned freedom is only for wealthy white men, I honestly think that the elites in our country are really bored and can think of nothing better to do than mess with other people.

    When they say "what are you for" what they really mean is who do you want to mess with? They don't understand many of us are happy to live are lives and not control anybody or anything else.

  2. I agree and I'll go you one further and make the point that when they say "what are you for" they mean give me a detailed set of policy proposals as if the means of cleaning up the mess the Neoliberals made aren't already ready to hand. Cf California's and NY's AGs and the mortgage crooks.

  3. Too bad there aren't any laws on the books regarding financial fraud, or war crimes for that matter.

    Of course no saw the housing bubble bursting either. We are governed by douche bags

  4. It's almost like there is a subindustry of appologists going round making the point that prosecuting criminals is hard and therefore we ought not bother
