Monday, October 3, 2011

Nun So Blind as Those Who Will Not Look

Today we were working on the Reformation and part of the discussion dealt with the Catholic Church's structure, popes, monks, nuns, priests, and laity.  At least one of the students was unclear if monks and nuns still existed. After straightening that out, I left to ride home and was about to cross a boulevard when I stopped because there was a car approaching.  On the other side of the street was a kiddie wink, maybe 12 or thirteen, who bolted onto the street and was about to get herself run over.  I took, I admit, one third of the Lord's name in vain, shortly after which both the car and the cyclist slammed on their brakes missing one another. I looked at the driver; she was a nun. Honest to goodness. The choice is yours look both ways before crossing or hope for divine intervention.

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