Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Obstruction! Obstruction!

Michele Bachmann demands that Obama recall Congress because something must be done about the current crisis.

On of her fellow Tea Party maniacs explains what will be done to deal with the current ciris while
[a]t a town hall meeting yesterday, a Tea Party member urged Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX) to bring impeachment proceedings against President Obama in the House. Burgess replied, “It needs to happen, and I agree with you it would tie things up…No question about that.” When asked to clarify, Burgess said he wasn’t sure what the proper charged to bring against Obama would be, but reiterated his support for such a move. “We need to tie things up,” he said. “The longer we allow the damage to continue unchecked, the worse things are going to be for us.” Burgess joins numerous House Republicans in their impeachment-saber rattling.

It's not as if the Republicans and not just the Tea Partiers have made not-doing anything a policy its that they are willing to do anything to not do anything. Think additional stimulus is the wrong policy? Impeach Obama. It's just stunning to me that these anti-American bufflaheads can say this and it isn't the lead story in every paper in the country.

Oh and for what it's worth, I would argue that the recall elections here in Wisconsin are different precisely because they are about 1) substantive disagreement on policies 2) result from a heretofore unannounced policy shift and 3) at the very least involved the misuse of the democratic process to limit the public's and their representatives understanding and knowledge of the radical alterations imposed with the aid of ALEC and others from outside the state.

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