Friday, March 4, 2011

They Hate Us Because We're Free, to be Asshats

Over to Balloon Juice there is a post and heart rending video of people, some of whom are elected officials, who hate America verbally assaulting a religious group which
[o]n February 13, members of a faith-based charitable organization gathered in Yorba Linda, California to raise funds to support women’s shelters, help the homeless and combat hunger.
I watched some odd movie today in which various dead people, including Paul Henried and John Garfield, had their immortal souls judged by Sydney Greenstreet. One of the dead was regular sort of a fellow who took all manner of pleasure from doing this and that, including walking down the street, Greenstreet argued that this was the proper way to live in the world. In the ordinary, the argument ran, there are extraordinary pleasures. For my money, nearly everyone thinks like that, except for the sundry and various losers who make life unpleasant. Perhaps because the they, like John Garfield's character -- who might be saved by his equally dead but unknown tom him mother, find themselves beneath contempt. 

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