Thursday, March 3, 2011

Here in Wisconsin: Missing The Point

New polling in Wisconsin suggests that nearly everyone thinks Walker is a making several different kinds of mistakes. Over to TPM, Josh Marshall suggests that for older folks
[t]here's a fairly straightforward explanation for this. Back then older voters had formative political experiences from the 30s through the 50s. Today they're based in the 60s through the 80s. Straightforward doesn't mean it's accurate. But I think that's at least part of the explanation.
The problem here is that the decades of union bashing haven't bothered anyone all that much.  I suspect, although I cannot possible prove, that Walker's negatives are so high because, particularly during his recent budget talk -- during which I actually went outside and tried to shovel water because that pointless act was less frustrating than listening to him, he is a creepy little liar and its increasingly clear to folks that they have bought a George W in a poke. If you see what I mean.

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