Wednesday, December 14, 2011

End College Athletics Now

The Historiann finds out that her university, Colorado, is giving its new football coach 1.5 million per year because that's the market and is outraged. She's right. Higher Education is supposed to be about education and yet some how or another the professional administrators and those who are assimilated to their bizarro world view "successful" athletics, climbing walls, CETLs, and other "learner" success crap means excellence in education.

We are going the wrong way. It's time to end technocratisme and end the notion that teachers and other educators don't know how to educate.


  1. 1.5 million? That's nothing, they gave Gary barnette twelve million to go away

  2. The Historiann points out that faculty haven't got a raise of any sort for five years. The point here is that the administration is willing to invest in sport but not education. Why? The skewed values of administrators who think of education as some kind of a business.

  3. I worked for CU through 2008 as a research coordinator,and I think they froze our wages in 05. The weird thing was they were making huge capital improvements the entire time, seems like there was always money for buildings just not the people in them

  4. Neoliberal investment strateryizing: billions for blowing things up, sport, and building not one penny for people.
