Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Warren Report

If you go here you can watch Elizabeth Warren make monkeys out of the Morning Joe crew. Picking the dumbest questions is difficult; however, I nominate Halpren. China is not now nor will it be any time soon a "military threat" to the USA. If we stopped spending money on new systems and just maintained what we have everyone else in the world would have to combine to come close to what we can do blowing things upwise. The press is filled with idiots who cannot think their way out of water sodden sacks made of paper.


  1. I think it was yesterday, there was an article at about Scott Brown realizing he may be in some electoral trouble, Elizabeth Warren is starting to seem a little like Obama when he started out.

  2. I don't know. Obama has always been a centrist; Warren has a track record of actually doing things for working men and women. Obama, on the other hand, is calm and competent center neoliberal.

  3. I meant my comment more in the sense that she may be a more formidable politician than people expect. She seems to understand the plight of the average person better than Obama.

    Hopefully she can get to the senate

  4. Yeah, I think that is a hundred percent correct. Smart, combative, and knows what she is talking about. Typical liberal.
