Saturday, April 30, 2011

Oh For Dumb

Adnrew Sullivan insists that
[t]his should piss off some liberal readers. Robin Hanson calls the above video an example of "natural hypocrisy":
Most people believe that redistributing money within a nation is good, but that redistributing GPA within a school is bad, and if asked why these should be treated differently, have little to say.
First there is the difference between taxes, paying for civilization and all that, and GPA, showing how badly or well as student is doing. Secondly, has anyone involved in thinking that this is an example of "natural hypocrisy" ever taught or taken a class? Students and teachers participate in creating an education as a group. Kids who do well at some aspect of education, say math or science, help raise other kids scores through group work, class discussion and so on.

The only way something this silly would piss anybody off is if they fail to recognize that all group activities "redistribute" the good or benefit created by group effort. It's the crooks who take more than they earn and the liars who insist that such crookedness is not only natural but necessary and good.

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