Thursday, February 10, 2011

Yes, Indeedy, Heh

Over to IOZ we read:
I suppose it is no longer necessary to point out that Matthew Yglesias does not know what he is talking about, regardless the subject. He has a preternatural ability to opine knowingly on any subject, his confidence in his own correctness existing in inverse proportion to the accuracy of whatever he is saying at a given time. His ability to miss the point even as he swashbuckles into a conversation to argue that everyone else is missing the point is completely awesome, and I mean that in the most strictly religious sense. He is like a minor god of misunderstanding, a numinous spirit of getting it wrong.
Followed by:
Oh, god, I really want to stop talking about him, but I just can't resist:
People often don’t realize it . . . but Marx was in many ways working in the tradition of classical economists like David Ricardo and Adam Smith.
What people, Matt? You and Glenn Beck?
Yglesias' ignorant wrongness or wrong-headed ignorance explains stupid thing he has ever said, and he has said a lot of them.  What I don't understand is why he has job.  He isn't witty; he doesn't wrap Neoliberalism is some palatible coating of dense knowledge and erudition; he doesn't even write well. So why has he got a job talking about things he knows nothing about? Which is to say anything.

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