Monday, February 21, 2011

Bombing For Freedom

The other day, I made what I thought was a joke about the neo-Cons love of freedom elsewhere because they get to bomb things. Today, Daniel Foster of the NRO emotes
With reports that the Gaddafi regime — or what’s left of it — has effected the indiscriminate massacre of Libyan civilians, up to and including air strikes in Tripoli and the planned carpet-bombing of Benghazi, the suggestion that President Obama establish a “no-fly zone” above Libya has begun popping up on social media.

I don’t say this lightly, but I think POTUS must so act. U.S. Sixth Fleet under AFRICOM may or may not have a carrier “chopped” (that is, assigned) to it at the moment (Ed Morrissey has a good post on why it’s so hard to pin down where our carriers are at a given moment), but it appears that one or several aircraft carriers are within striking distance.
Sound familiar? Let's, for once, let Libya be Iibya, I suspect they'll make the right choices or, at least, choice close to right. Follow the neo-Cons advice and its five front war, which can't be good.

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