Friday, February 18, 2011

Renegotiation Isn't Another Word for Dictation

Andrew Sullivan exposes his ignorance:
Like the NYT, the WaPo and many other news sources, the Dish has focused on the horrors in Bahrain, the looming confrontation in Iran, riots in Libya, and the sudden earthquake in the Middle East, not a newly elected governor trying to curtail government spending, especially on healthcare for public sector unions. Readers are very irate. Well, we make choices here. But we're of no party or clique, which may be why I'm not that galvanized by a partisan mudfight. But, no, I don't see it as outrageous that a freshly elected GOP governor and legislature want to renegotiate some deals with public sector unions, and I see no reason why the president should intervene. Joe Klein makes a lot of sense here:
Anyone who thinks Joe Klein makes sense isn't paying attention. Sullivan focuses on events far away because, you know, folks demanding that alleged democracies behave democratically is so much more exciting than folks demanding that an alleged democracy behave democratically if there is no chance of invading them.

There is no "renegotiation" going on. Walker presented a bill with no debate stripping unions of the various rights necessary to behave like unions.  His inability to get the facts of the matter straight in country where he speaks the language and thinks he's competent to weigh in on all manner of matters really calls into question his ability to understand countries so far away.

Furthermore, as a good Catholic, Sullivan ought to be front and center demanding that the state live up to the standards set by Popes Benedict and John Paul for dealing with union

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