Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Nanny Plutocracy

So Bloomberg's ban on 16 oz or greater sugary drinks in certain location and in specific kinds of containers passed. It is, we are assured, an attempt to deal with the obesity crisis in these United States. It seems like an attempt to stop people smoking by limiting the pack size to 10 cigarettes, which is to say silly, a waste of time, and generally a misuse of the state legitimate regulatory function.


  1. The sad thing about this. Is that it's easy to mock and makes weight loss programs that might actually work that much harder to implement

  2. True. happily, however, it highlights the stupidity of trying to regulate individual behavior with market mechanisms.

  3. Totally off topic but I am starting to think David brooks really doesn't like mitt Romney

  4. Maybe but perhaps Brooks is the rat and Romney the sinking ship. If you want some laffs go over to the corner and read the manly men and womanly women of conservativism demanding the Mitt double down on the dependency class.

  5. Yeah, I don't think "poite' conservatives get how much conservative thought is steeped i hatred of the poor. rooks probaby prefers the neo-liberal hatred of poor people where they at least pretend to care.

  6. Neo-librerals like who aren't Willard Mitt Romney just do a better job of shutting their pie holes when it comes to the poor. Romney isn't an outlier he is just dumb enough to tell the truth, as he sees it.
