Thursday, September 15, 2011

With Friends Like This

According to the NRO, former Sen. Malcolm Wallop and friend of liberty is dead.  According to the webpage of the "think tank" he founded and chaired, his love of liberty led him to
[r]ather than simply promising to retaliate if we were attacked with nuclear missiles, Malcolm Wallop argued we should defend ourselves and render missiles powerless to threaten future generations. Malcolm Wallop is the father of missile defense and was the first elected official to propose a space based missile defense system, a program that later became part of President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative. There are people all across the globe that are safer and freer because of Malcolm Wallop. Malcolm Wallop changed the world for the better.
 According to this, Bush alone spent 10 billion a year on a failed attempts to build missile defense; this suggests that by 2013 over 100 billion in total expenditures for a failed system.

Waste, fraud and abuse, thunder the Conservatives; Government can't do anything right, they insist. And yet a paranoid maniac sets the state on a course to waste billions and billions on a fraud dies a friend of liberty.

God bless America indeed.

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