Saturday, March 26, 2011

Here in Wisconsin: Chris Rickert is an Idiot Edition

Rickert is a columnist for the Wisconsin State Journal as near as I can make out he is a Neoliberal. Today he rails against the "elitism" of the UW-Madison, because it is a great school it must be elitist, and he thinks that it becoming a part-private and more expensive school is great because, like all Neoliberals, he hates him some edumacated elites. This is all bad enough, and his recent columns have been increasing pointless and badly written, but in the course of his misdirected hatred of the elites, he writes:
I don’t know if she would be able to afford to do the same today, but I do know she would have been just as successful in life had she been forced to attend a cheaper, less prestigious school.
How, on earth, could he know something like that? The evidence right now suggests that students who attend "elite" institutions are over represented in the halls of government and business. The last thing in the world we need to do is take a great institution of higher learning and give and privatize; rather we need to work to  better distribute society's wealth and stop thinking like profit mongers, who are next but one to war mongers in their responsibility for the mess in which we are currently mired.

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