Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Rand Paul was on TDS and he was horrid.  Paine said the government that governs best governs least not Jefferson.  Paine is someone that Paul would most likely despise because he was a professional revolutionary and outside agitator.

More to the point, as Stewart was at pains to point out, the problems that regulations aimed at fixing all went away or, to be precise, got somewhat better because of state intervention. Paul would agree Paul's attempt to explain that we need a smaller government now because government has fixed all the problems of bad food and etc. is a nearly perfect example of what's wrong with Paine's claim in the first place. Go figure, a really smart guy from hundreds of years ago speculating on the advantages of limited government involvement in the market as part of a larger project designed to increased individual liberty insisted that freedom from constraint was always the best thing for humanity in a social and civil situation was wrong about something. It's not like we have to give up the important individual and human freedoms and liberties so corporations can befoul the world and cheat workers.

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