Monday, January 31, 2011

Center Right Nation

Some of you may think that Reagan changed the way Americans think about the world and, consequently, you might think that insisting that Neoliberalism is the new orthodoxy and that soberly assessing the world from a Neoliberal point of view is simply accepting the world as it is. From Xpostfactoid we find a post from some guy with a chart based on data collected from some other guy that offers this view of public opinion:

This chart suggests that folks plumping for Neoliberal solutions are engaged in trying to sway the public's view of the world. You might suggest that public opinion and things as they are are two different things, by which you might mean the world works the way Neoliberals say it does. This is, as of course, difficult to maintain when much of the rest of the world operates outside the Neoliberal model.

1 comment:

  1. I think we have a center left naton that elects a lot of center right politicians. Probably because we have so much business money in politics and it skews everything to the right
