Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A Licit Religious Test

Everyone is in a tizzy about Pew's new religion quiz.  The numbers break down like this:

Pew doesn't, for some reason, give all 32 questions but only fifteen, you can take it here. I'll wait. 

What struck me was how much people don't know:
Only 39% of the test takers knew who Job was? 40% understood the controversy over Transubstantiation? If I thought like the educational reformers who wanted fire all the "bad" teachers because they have failed the "value added" test, every priest or pastor, be they a man, woman, or child, in the land would be out on their ear by sundown.  Sometimes assessment measures fail to capture effort expended by students and teachers.

While 89% understood the establishment clause; only 23% understood the difference between proselytizing and study. Apparently, the ranting ranters ranting about secular machines are more effective than the truth.

My score, you ask?

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